The Quantikine Mouse/Rat IL-33 immunoassay is a 4.5 hour solid-phase ELISA designed to measure IL-33 in cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma. It contains E. coli-expressed recombinant mouse mature IL-33 and antibodies raised against the recombinant factor. This immunoassay has been shown to accuray quantitate both recombinant mouse and rat IL-33. Results obtained using natural IL-33 showed dose response curves that were parallel to the standard curves obtained using the Quantikine kit standards. These results indicate that this kit can be used to determine relative mass values for natural IL-33.
美國Wheaton 勻漿器、組織研磨器、雙側壁細胞培養瓶、懸浮細胞培養瓶、細胞*攪拌器、安培瓶等玻璃儀器。
美國kimble 藍蓋瓶、勻漿器、離心管,巴氏吸管等玻璃儀器;
加拿大Labplas 的無菌采樣袋、均值袋;
美國Nalgene 過濾裝置、塑料廣口瓶、放水桶、低溫冰盒、低溫標簽、記號筆、離心管、凍存管、便攜液氮罐、無菌培養基瓶、手動真空泵等
美國ABI PCR板、PCR管、PCR蓋子、八連拍管、膜等
德國Brand 移液器,電動移液器,瓶口分配等
德國艾本德eppendorf 移液器、分配器等
法國Hyphen Biomed 的出血、凝血類試劑 ;
美國BioProducts MD 的PEDF(人眼色素上皮衍生因子);
德國IBL international 新蝶呤試劑盒、兒茶酚胺試劑盒;
美國TYLER 的篩分儀;
法國Interscience 均質器、重量稀釋器、自動螺旋接種儀、均值袋、均值夾、開袋器、架子等
德國Wiggens 攪拌器、培養箱、振蕩器、蒸發器(氮吹儀)菌落計數器本生燈、均質器等
德國Chemvck 防腐隔膜泵、無油泵、真空泵、蠕動泵等
瑞士Keller 小型快速玻璃珠滅菌器、玻璃珠等
美國Millpore 細胞電阻儀、超濾管、膜、針頭濾器等
美國 BioSpec研磨珠均質器、手持勻漿機等
- Dynabeads?ProteinAforImmunopreci
- MSSeparationcolumns
- LS分離柱LSSeparationcolumns
- SARSTEDT凍存管72.694.005
- SARSTEDT凍存管72.693.005
- MouseST2/IL-1R4QuantikineELISAKi
- TCellActivation/ExpansionKit,nhp
- BCellIsolationKitIIhuman
- CD4MicroBeads,non-humanprimate
- StreptavidinMicroBeads(2ml)
- 電熱鼓風干燥箱(升級新型,液晶屏
- 美國kimble比重瓶24ML15115-24