* 采用高性能,高強度抗斷裂的聚酯纖維,逐級加密、梳理鋪網熱風制作而成;
* 具有容塵量高、阻力低、阻燃性強的特點;
* 不含硅,能夠抵抗諸如化學溶劑、酸性煙霧等化學物質的影響;
* 抗濕度達到99%RH,使用壽命長,經過吸塵或清洗后可多次使用,經濟實用;
* 持續耐溫100℃,瞬間耐溫120℃;
* 過濾對象≥5μm顆粒塵埃及各種懸浮物;
* 卷材或片材,可按客戶要求沖壓成圓形、橢圓型等各種規格尺寸;
* 空調及空氣通風系統中;
* 供風系統中作為高灰塵暴露下的預過濾;
* 噴涂系統及烘烤裝置中供氣的預過濾及均流作用;
Pre filter
* Processed by high-performance synthetic fiber with gradual density.
* High dust holding capacity and low resistance, strong fire retardance.
* Long-life, washable and economical.
* Temperature resistance: 100℃, humidity resistance: 99%
* Filtering dust: ≥5μm.
* Any shape we can provide.
*Air conditioner system; pre-filtering in a coarse environment; painting industry, pharmaceutical factory, food sanitation etc.
型號 Type | 厚度Thickness(mm) | 測試風速 Test Air Velocity (m/s) | 額定風量Rated Air Flow (m³/h) | 平均計重效率Average Arrestance | 初阻力Initial Resistance(Pa) | 終阻力 Final Resistance(Pa) | 容塵量 Dust Holding Capacity (g/m2) | 過濾級別 Filtration Class |
FR-10 | 5 | 1.5 | 5400 | 65% | 15 | 250 | 400 | G2 |
FR-20 | 10 | 1.5 | 5400 | 70% | 18 | 250 | 420 | G2 |
FR-30 | 15 | 1.5 | 5400 | 80% | 20 | 250 | 520 | G3 |
FR-40 | 20 | 1.5 | 5400 | 90% | 25 | 250 | 630 | G4 |
注:可根據需要定制不同規格. Note: Special Size Available Upon Request.