精密壓力表主要用來校驗工業用普通壓力表,也可用于精密測量對銅合金和合金結構等無腐蝕性、非結晶、非凝固的各種介質的壓力。儀表由測量系統、指示部分和表殼等組成。儀表有較好的密封性并設有檢封裝置,能保護其內部測量機構免受機械損傷和污穢浸入; 儀表的作用原理是基于彈性元件形變。在被測介質的壓力作用下,迫使彈簧之未端產生相應彈性形變-位移,借助于拉桿經齒輪轉動機構的傳動并予放人,由固定于齒輪軸上的指針逐將被測值在刻度盤上指示出來。 Precision pressure meter is to use check the industrial normal pressure meter,and can be measure some medium pressure like have no corruption for copper, no crystal, no-concretion. The meter composed by test system,note parts and body. The meter has a better airproof feature,and have seaI check system, and can protect the detect depart be dirt or machine broken .
二、技術參數 Technique parameter
名 稱 Name
型 號 Model
準確等級 Precision grade
使用環境條件 Work environment
溫度影響 Temperature influence
連接螺紋 Joint screw
彈簧管材料 Spring pipe material
測量范圍(MPa) Test range
精密壓力表 Precision pressure meter
YB-150 YB-150A
5℃-40℃,the humid is Not pass 80%,and the vibration and pressure source is not effect the meter precision