FTIR光譜儀的特點: We now offer the most complete selection of FTIR spectrometer (FTIR光譜儀) capability from education and routine analysis to high performance research systems. The new FT/IR-4000 Series consists of two distinct models, the FT/IR-4100 and FT/IR-4200 for a wide variety of analytical requirements. Each compact model offers reliable operation with the highest signal-to-noise ratio for this instrument class. Featuring a highly stable interferometer and AccuTracTM DSP technology enabling rapid and accurate tracking of mirror position and velocity for optimum signal-to-noise performance. The FT/IR- 4000 Series is controlled by JASCO’s exclusive Spectra ManagerTM II cross-platform software. This enables the instruments to be operated with other complimentary spectroscopic techniques and provides complete 21 CFR Part 11 compliance with Spectra ManagerTM CFR.
Compact size
Excellent sensitivity
Quick start system
IQ accessory recognition
Purgeable optics
Applicable to FT-IR microscopy and IR imaging
北京錦坤科技有限公司是致力于向客戶提供準確、穩定、可靠的光電產品和解決方案。公司技術方案及產品針對射頻微波信號處理、衛星信號拉遠傳輸,雷達及電子對抗, 電臺信號傳輸,天文望遠鏡陣列信號光纖傳輸,雷達距離模擬,定位導航信號覆蓋傳輸等方面應用。主營產品包括射頻光纖傳輸模塊,微波光纖傳輸模塊,光纖延遲線,微波光纖延遲線,射頻光端機,微波光端機,光混波器,光橋接器,GPS北斗導航信號光纖模塊,射頻光纖模塊等。服務行業和合作單位包括: 微波及雷達相關研究所,天文臺,衛星發射及工程中心,航天航空研究院, 船舶研究院及設計中心,中科院及各高校單位。
FTIR光譜儀 產品信息