型號 | 配套動力 | 動力轉速 | 噴頭 | 容積 | 凈重 | 泵壓力 | 包裝尺寸 |
3MZ-200 | 20 | 540 | 6 | 200 | 160 | 1.5-2.5 | 1200*970*1000 |
3MZ Series Sprayer is mainly used for spraying agriculture pharmacy to prevent and kill pests in the fruiter garden, vegetable garden, trees in urban area and forests or spraying weed-killer in the field before sowing. It also can be used for spraying fertilizers on the surface of the plant leaves. The merits of the machine is spraying evently with high output and strong penetration, the pharmacy covering area is big and the stickability is good,etc.