采用直聯傳動技術 空壓機變頻器實現了高于通用電機、高效感應電機的效率。另外通過變頻器的使用,比其他的變頻器發揮了的高效節能效果。 The approproarive transducers of air compressors reslize the effciency that is higher than general motorhigh=effciency inductive motor.Besides,through the usage of appropriative transducer,it has exerted the remarkable highly effective energy saving effects than others.
變頻器的軟啟動 由于降低啟動時的峰值電流的軟啟動,實現在平穩的啟動并降低電源設備的成本。 Soft start of transducer The soft start of peak value current when stariting hsa been decreased,so that it realizes smooth start-upreduces the cost of electric equipments.