產品介紹:SH系列內帶集水倉的倒置桶過熱蒸汽疏水閥專門用來克服過熱,高壓,小負荷等多種不力因素。集水倉存集足夠的凝結水,保證在整個排放周期能夠保持水封。密封的小杯在集水倉中起密封調節作用。 結構特點: 1、耐磨損,耐腐蝕,耐水擊。 2、*的杠桿機構將桶提供的力充分放大,可在系統壓力下開啟閥門。 3、排放孔通過水封保護可防止新鮮蒸汽泄漏。桶上的小孔可提供自動排空氣。 4、倒置桶疏水閥不需要專門調節,凝結水不會存積造成水擊。 安裝建議:通常在過熱高壓小負荷工況下,在集水管和疏水閥內只是極少的凝結水產生。因此,選擇適當的管道及集水管尺寸是正確使用過熱蒸汽疏水閥的關鍵。 Introduction:SH inverted bucket steam trap is especially designed to solve the problems of overheating,high pressure and small load.The sufficient condensed water stored in the water storage chamber can ensure the sealing during the whole period of discharging .The small cup play adjustable role in water storage chamber. Structure:1.Boasting excellent abilities to resist abrasiveness,corruption and water 2.Unique lever structure will fully magnify the power provided by bucket.The valve will be opened under system pressure ; 3.Discharging pore which is sealed can protect the fresh steam from leakge.The pore on the bucket can provide automatic gas discharging. 4.The inverted bucket trap does not need special adjustment and the condensed water will not be stored to cause water beating. Suggestions:on installation :Under the overheated pressure,there’s little condensed water produced in the catchment pipelines and trap.Therefore,to choose appropriate pipelines and size of catchment pipelines is the key to correctly use the overheated trap. 主要零件材料和性能參數 Main parts and specifications 主要零部件材料表 Main parts materials Body 閥體 1Cr18NNi9Ti 性能參數 Performance parameter SH64P 6.4MPa Main valve seat 主閥座 Tungsten chromium cobalt alloy 鎢鉻鈷合金 SH100P 10.0MPa The duplicate velvet/floats the cup 復閥、浮杯 1Cr18NNigTi Highest working temperature zui高工作溫度 500℃ 進水管 進氣管 Stainless Steel 不銹鋼 Higest pemissible temperature zui高允許溫度
技術參數表 Technological paramerter date
Model 產品型號 Nominal diameter 公稱通徑(DN) Connection 連接方式 Pressure Rating(MPa) 使用壓力 Max allowable TMP(℃) zui高允許溫度 Exterma dimensions(mm)外型尺寸 H W CS15Y-64P-SH