S2BAHM07120SSTS000S000 S2BAHM07120SSTS000S000 2014-04-09 1.000 1652.30 德國19%增值稅 1652.30
HP4AH100635SST01F0R0001 HP4AH100635SST01F0R0001 2014-04-09 1.000 3895.40 德國19%增值稅 3895.40
S2BAHM07220SSTS000S000ProMinent GmbH
Im Schuhmachergewann 5-11
69123 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 842 - 0
+49 6221 842 - 215
info@prominent.com7220.880.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Modell 880
6 7100.PGT120.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration PGT120
6 7100.EFM51.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration EFM51
6 7100.2000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Metriso2000
6 7100.2000.TF.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration TF-Sensor (Metriso2000)
6 7100.SRM110.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration SRM110
6 7100.WT5000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration WT5000
6 7100.SRM200.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration SRM200
6 7100.CPM74.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration CPM74
6 7100.181.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Safety Pips
6 7110.585.SET.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Audit-Kit
6 7100.ESVM1000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration ESVM100
6 7100.ESVM2000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration ESVM2000
6 7100.3000.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration Metriso3000
6 7100.3000.TF.KA Kalibrierung/Calibration TF-Sensor (Metriso3000)
7 7901.CD.D Training CD-ROM, deutsch/german
7 7901.CD.E Training CD-ROM, englisch/english
9 1308.47002 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 x 16 - 25 m, grau/grey
9 1308.47001 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 x 16 - 25 m, hellgrau/light grey
9 1308.47055 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 1,5 x 16 - 25 m, blau /blue
9 1300.1179.232 ECOSTAT DUO 2.0 Schwei?schnur/welding rod
10 1806.8404 ECOSTAT Centra-NV 2,0 x 25-35 m, hellgrau/light grey
10 1806.7204 ECOSTAT Centra-NV 2,0 x 25-35 m, blau /blue
10 1806.1204 ECOSTAT Centra-NV 2,0 x 25-35 m, beige
10 1280.R762 ECOSTAT Centra-NV R762 , Gebinde/pail = 10 kg
10 1280.T412 ECOSTAT Centra-NV R412 , Gebinde/pail = 14 kg
11 1250.680.R ECOSTAT MEGA 3.5 1,22 x 10 m = 12,2 qm per Rol
ProMinent offers an unparalleled metering pump product portfolio including all the peripherals that meets even the most specific requirements perfectly.
It was and still is our aim to offer solutions for entire process steps of the Chemical Fluid Handling. Starting with storage, thentransfer of the liquid chemical to the dosing point, dosing by means of a metering pump and the appropriate measuring, control and sensor equipment, up to the point where the chemical leaves the customer’s site in the wastewater.
Even under the harshest conditions, all devices exhibit a constant high performance. And where economy is concerned they are almost unbeatable.
ProMinent offers an unparalleled metering pump product portfolio including all the peripherals that meets even the most specific requirements perfectly.
It was and still is our aim to offer solutions for entire process steps of the Chemical Fluid Handling. Starting with storage, thentransfer of the liquid chemical to the dosing point, dosing by means of a metering pump and the appropriate measuring, control and sensor equipment, up to the point where the chemical leaves the customer’s site in the wastewater.
Even under the harshest conditions, all devices exhibit a constant high performance. And where economy is concerned they are almost unbeatable.
The ProMinent group is manufacturer of components and systems for the metering technology, as well as a reliable water treatment solutions partner for over 50 years. Through innovative products, service capabilities and industry-specific solutions, the aim is to provide improved efficiency and safety for customers, wherever they may be in the world.
With its 'Focus on Solutions', the company demonstrates how process requirements can be met with practical solutions. It not only offers outstanding innovative products, but also provides support to customers around the world through its experts' knowledge and expertise. The result: components, systems and technologies for highly efficient, environmentally friendly, sustainable and user-centric metering and water treatment.
The group of companies is based in Heidelberg, Germany. Around 2,300 employees in 55 dedicated sales, production and service companies and agencies in over 100 countries guarantee that the company’s products and services are available all over the globe. Besides the oil and gas industry, relevant growth industries include mainly chemicals, food & beverage, public potable water and waste water treatment and swimming pool water treatment.