1、硬土取樣器:長度700mm. 外徑30mm 內徑25mm. 標尺300mm 超硬不銹鋼開口, 往復旋入式,反向出樣,取樣深度150mm約1kg土樣
土壤采樣器使用方法:1、 硬土取樣:用T型取樣器,將取樣器重直向下,雙手握著手柄來回旋轉,同時下壓(用力要均勻,力度要視土壤的抗剪強度而定,以保持土壤的自然狀況),到后將取樣器提出,出口(有柄的那端)對著樣品代入口,用食指在入土端輕輕一按,土樣即順利滑出,但土壤過于干,在旋轉時可能有細土粒塞住取樣器,對出樣不順,可用膠錘(已配)輕輕搞擊即可出樣,如土壤過粘,會粘在取樣器內。這種情況就要在內壁放置襯膠,出樣時連同襯膠一同取出。
2、 土壤采樣器浠泥取樣:用一字型取樣器,將推桿抽到適當位置(一般150—200cm),重直插入泥中,到位后來回旋,使取樣器內充滿土壤(泥)后向上提出,然后對準樣品袋子,用推桿將樣品推出。
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Product Name: soil sampler
Convenient, fast and accurate collection of soil samples, the maximum control of sampling error, in the implementation of the Ministry of Agriculture issued the "survey of soil fertility and quality evaluation of the project" in practice, the new development of soil sampler. Using the sampler for collecting soil samples has the advantages of full thickness, amount, rapid and easy to operate
It is the most used sampler of formula fertilization by soil testing, its standard is:
1, the hard soil sampler: length 700mm. diameter 30mm diameter 25mm. scale 300mm super hard steel opening, reciprocating screw, reverse sampling, sampling depth of soil samples about 1kg 150mm
2, mud Sampler: square launched type, length 400mm, cross section is 19mm * 19mm, 150mm about 1kg soil sampling depth.
Soil sampler use: 1, hard soil sampling: T type sampler, sampling value straight down, hands holding the handle rotating back and forth, at the same time under pressure (force should be uniform, the intensity of soil shear strength and decide, in order to maintain the natural condition of soil), after sampling is proposed, export (the end of a handle) to sample generation entrance, with the index finger in the buried end gently press, soil sample is smooth slide out, but the soil is too dry, there may be fine soil grain plugging the sampler in the rotation, the sample is not smooth, available rubber hammer (allocated) gently to click a kind, such as soil sticky, will stick to the sampler. This situation will be placed in the inner wall lining, the sample with rubber lining were taken out together.
2, soil sampler and sampling: use a font mud sampler, the push rod pumping to the appropriate location (150 - 200cm), heavy straight into the mud, put in place later cyclotron, the sampler is filled with soil (clay) to put forward, and then aligned samples bag, putting the sample introduction.
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