SESINO冷卻裝置、SESINO熱交換器、SESINO冷卻器、SESINO水/油殼管式、SESINO氣/油熱交換器、SESINO釬焊熱交換器、SESINO氣/油冷卻器、SESINO電機 SESINO公司 SESINO廠家 SESINO代理 SESINO銷售 SESINO經銷 SESINO 天津啟隆機電設備有限公司代理銷售意大利SESINO冷卻裝置、SESINO熱交換器、SESINO冷卻器、SESINO水/油殼管式、SESINO氣/油熱交換器、SESINO釬焊熱交換器、SESINO氣/油冷卻器、SESINO電機等產品。意大利Sesino百年企業,熱交換器設計,生產專家。冷卻器行業世界者。 Sesino產品分類: Sesino冷卻器、Sesino風冷油冷卻器、Sesino熱交換器,Sesino風冷油熱交換器、Sesino水冷油熱交換器 Sesino直流電機冷卻器、Sesino交流電機冷卻器、Sesino帶液壓馬達冷卻器 Sesino直流電機熱交換器、Sesino交流電機熱交換器、Sesino帶液壓馬達熱交換器 Sesino風冷油冷卻器,Sesino風冷油熱交換器。 意大利COSTANTE SESINO冷卻器產品分類 板式冷卻器→板式水冷型冷卻器 風冷式冷卻器→風冷型冷卻器 管式冷卻器→管式水冷式冷卻器 攪拌車冷卻器→混凝土攪拌車用冷卻器 自循環冷卻器→交流RAS冷卻單元 COSTANTE SESINO Hydraulic motor powered air/oil cooler AC motor air/oil heat exchanger Water/oil shell and tube heat exchanger DC motor air/oil heat exchanger AC motor air/oil independent cooling unit AP系列(交流電機驅動) Sesino直流電機冷卻器 APL 170 APL 240 APL 263 APL 300 APL 300/2 APL 430 APL 430/2 APL 494 APL 580APL 2/463 APL 2/494 APL 2/580ELRO/91261 Sesino交流電機冷卻器 AP 178 AP 260 AP 300 E AP 300/2 E AP 430 E AP 430/2 E AP 494 EB AP 580 EB AP 680 EB AP 730 EB AP 830 EB AP 2/680 EB AP 2/730 EB AP 2/830 AP 3/830 EB Sesino帶液壓馬達冷卻器 Sesino Self conteined cooling units Sesino WATER OIL EXCHANGERS Sesino Water side inspectable heat exchanger Sesino SERIE MS 84 P Sesino SERIE MS 134 P Sesino Water side inspectable heat exchanger inside the tank Serie MS 84 CF SERIE MS 134 CF Sesino Not inspectable heat exchanger Serie T60-80 CB Serie T60-80 CF Sesino Heat exchanger with removable tubes bundle Serie MS152 Serie MS172 Serie MS202 Sesino Brazed plate heat exchanger Serie MS18 Serie MS25 Serie MS55