【西蒙檸檬酸鹽瓊脂,Simmons Citrate Agar,211620】 本產品僅供科研與實驗使用,產品名稱請以英文為主,部分詳情:
【英文名稱】:Simmons Citrate Agar
【西蒙檸檬酸鹽瓊脂,Simmons Citrate Agar,211620】 物美價廉、貨源充足,現貨*。江萊生物-中國老牌試劑供應商是滬上*的試劑供應商之一,*銷售ELISA試劑盒、生物試劑、抗體、標準品、培養基、樹脂等科研試劑,量大從優,部分產品*銷售,咨詢產品價格、貨期及優惠信息。
【】 質量保證,相關試劑歡迎選購:
酵母氮W/O AA&AS,Yeast Nitrogen Base without Amino Acids & Ammonium Sulfate,233510
腦心浸液,Brain Heart Infusion,237200
萘乙酸(NAA),Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA), CAS3 >98%,N001-5GM
C2D葡萄屬培養基(含維生素),Chee & Pool (C2D) Vitis Medium with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins (Pouch Packaging),CEP02-10LT.1
Anderson’s 牡丹花培養基(含大量元素和微量元素),Anderson’s Rhododendron, With macro- and micronutrients.,ARP01-50LT
草本植物專屬培養基(含Nitsch維生素,不含硫酸腺嘌呤),E3P Medium with Vitamins, Proprietary herbacious plant medium with macro- and micronutrients and Nitsch and Nitsch vitamins. Without adenine hemisulfate.,ETP03-10LT.1
MS培養基(僅含大量元素),Murashige & Skoog Macronutrients, Macronutrients only,MSP17-50LT
D/E中和瓊脂,D/E (Dey/Engley) Neutralizing Agar,268610
*測試培養基,Biotin Assay Medium,241910
MS培養基(含大量元素和微量元素),Murashige & Skoog Basal Salts, With macro- and micronutrients (Bottle Packaging),MSP01-10LT
萘乙酸鉀(NAA-K),Naphthaleneacetic Acid Potassium Salt (NAA-K), CAS# 15165-79-4,N010-5GM
B5培養基(含MS大量和微量元素及維生素),Gamborg’s B-5 Long Medium, With macro- and micronutrients (Gamborg et al., 1968) and enriched with 16 organic compounds,GBP06-1LT
反玉米素,trans-Zeatin, CAS#1637-39-4; MW 219.24; >99%,Z007-5GM
Middlebrook 7H10瓊脂,Middlebrook 7H10 Agar,262710
PpNH4苔蘚培養基,PpNH4 Moss Basal Salts, PpNH4 Moss Basal Salts,PMP01-1LT
不含結晶紫麥康凱瓊脂,MacConkey Agar without Crystal Violet,211393
Ewing改良Malonate肉湯,Malonate Broth Ewing,211399
Chu’s N-6培養基(含大量元素和微量元素),Chu’s N-6 Medium, With macro- and micronutrients.,CHP01-50LT
萘乙酸鉀(NAA-K),Naphthaleneacetic Acid Potassium Salt (NAA-K), CAS# 15165-79-6,N010-100GM
連四硫酸鹽肉湯基礎HAJNA,TT Broth Base, Hajna,249110
Phytoblend植物凝膠,Phytoblend, Proprietary blend of agars (compare to Phytagar ) Use at 7 - 9g/L,PTP01-10KG
水耕混合基本培養基(不含氮),Hoagland’s No. 2 Basal Salt Mixture, With macro- and micronutrients; Without nitrogen (Bottle Packaging),HOP03-10LT
蘭科植物持久培養基,Orchid Maintenance Medium, Without agar and charcoal,OMP01-1LT
番茄汁肉湯,Tomato Juice Broth,251720
KAO & Michayluk培養基(含大量和微量元素及維生素),Kao & Michayluk with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins. (Pouch Packaging),KMP02-10LT.1
white培養基,White’s Basal Salts, With macro- and micronutrients,WHP01-1LT
LURIA瓊脂基礎,Luria Agar Base, Miller,211829
玉簪屬草本植物增殖階段II培養基,Caisson’s Stage II Hosta Multiplication Medium , With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, peptone, and hormones.,HSP02-10LT
吲哚丁酸,Indole-3-butyric Acid (IBA), >99%,I002-1KG
乳糖蛋白胨肉湯,Lactose Peptone Broth,266520
B5培養基(含大量和微量元素,維生素、蔗糖,不含硝酸鉀),Gamborg’s B-5 Medium with Sucrose, With macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, and 20g/L sucrose. Without Potassium Nitrate.,GBP04-1LT