Cellulose Acetate Spheres have high impact and mechanical strength as well as high dielectric constant and good resistance to a variety of chemicals. 醋酸纖維素微球具有高的沖擊和機械強度,以及高介電常數和良好的抗各種化學物質。
Pink Cellulose Acetate Polymer Spheres ~1.3g/cc - 2.9mm - Other Sizes by Request 粉紅色醋酸纖維素聚合物微球1.3克/立方厘米-2.9毫米 其他粒徑定制 Product ID: CAS-PNK-1.3
Red Cellulose Acetate Polymer Spheres ~1.3g/cc - 1.00mm to 3.00mm - Other Sizes by Request 紅色醋酸纖維素聚合物微球1.3克/立方厘米-1.0毫米-3毫米 其他粒徑定制 Product ID: CAS-RED-1.3