1-S40A稱重傳感器技術參數(Technical data )
精度等級(OIML R60) D1 C3
額定載荷Emax(Max. capacity) Kg t 50,100,200,500 1, 2, 3, 5
zui小檢定分度值(vmin) % of Cn 0.0286 0.0120
靈敏度(Sensitivity ) mV/V 2
靈敏度誤差范圍(Tolerance on sensitivity) % ±0.25
溫度對靈敏度影響(TC Span) % of Cn/10K ±0.0500 ±0.0140
溫度對零點影響(TC Zero ) % of Cn/10K ±0.0400 ±0.0170
非線性誤差(Non-linearity) % of Cn ±0.0500 ±0.0180
滯后誤差(Hysteresis error) % of Cn ±0.0500 ±0.0170
零點平衡(Zero balance) mV/V 0.01
蠕變及蠕變恢復(30mins)(Creep 、MDLR ) %/30min ±0.0500 ±0.0245/±0.0166
輸入電阻(Input resistance ) Ω 350
輸出電阻(Output resistance) Ω 350 ±1.5
參考電壓(Reference excitation voltage) V 5
zui大工作電壓(Maximum excitation voltage) V 12
絕緣電阻(Insulation resistance ) GΩ/100V >5
額定溫度范圍(Nominal temperature range) ℃ -10 ~+40
工作溫度范圍(Operating temperature range ) ℃ -30 ~+70
存儲溫度范圍(Storage temperature range ) ℃ -50 ~+85
安全承載(Safe load limit ) % of Emax 150
極限承載(Breaking load) % of Emax 300
額定載荷Emax(Max. capacity) kg 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 3000 5000
zui大載荷下變形量(deflection at Emax, ±15% ) % of Emax 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.38 0.38 0.46
重量(Weight, approx) kg 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.7 2.2
防護等級(protection class acc. to EN60529) IP68 (test condition 1m water column/100h)