ROPO電動法蘭系列球閥,采用了防火、防靜電、閥桿防爆出裝置技術,可適合多種惡劣場合選型。采用的ROPO電動執行器與球閥一體式連接,無須另裝支架,減少了因安裝連接引起的質量問題,同時為廠區節約空間。 ◇ 防火、防靜電設計。 ◇ 閥桿防爆出裝置。 ◇ 鋼球上設計有壓力平衡孔。 ◇ 雙層閥桿填料與兩片碟型彈片裝置。 ◇ 閥體上設計清潔閥腔的裝置。 ROPO this series of ball valve is specially and developed on the basis of foreign advanced technologies. With compact structure and reliable seal performance, it is widely applied in occasions of petroleum, chemical and electric power industries. It is especially popular in DCS, QCS and PLC control systems in production processes of waste paper deinking, alkali recovery, pulping and sewage processing in paper making industry.