ROPO公司氣動V型球閥是一種直角回轉型的高級球形控制閥,與閥門定位器配套使用,可實現比例調節;與二位五通電磁閥及閥位開關箱配套使用,可實現開關控制。V型球芯設計成帶有特殊形狀的V型缺口,具有精確的流量特性和控制功能,適用于各種控制場合。 ◇ 具有額定流量系數大,可調比大。 ◇ 密封性能*。 ◇ 結構緊湊,體積小,可堅臥安裝 ◇ 適用于氣體,液體及固態顆粒狀介質的控制。 ◇ 采用雙軸承結構,機構穩定性高,啟動扭矩小。 ROPO this series of ball valve is specially and developed on the basis of foreign advanced technologies. With compact structure and reliable seal performance, it is widely applied in occasions of petroleum, chemical and electric power industries. It is especially popular in DCS, QCS and PLC control systems in production processes of waste paper deinking, alkali recovery, pulping and sewage processing in paper making industry.