熱灌裝三合一生產線用途: 本系列熱灌裝三合一生產線用于綠茶、紅茶、烏龍茶以及果汁飲料等產品的熱灌裝生產。該集沖瓶、灌裝、封口為一體。設計科學合理、造成美觀、操作維修方便、自動化程度高,是熱灌裝飲品的*生產設備。 提供生產線相關輔助設備:吹瓶、吹瓶機、吹瓶機械、塑料吹瓶機械、吹瓶模具、打碼機、噴碼設備、噴碼機。 Usage: The series equipment is used in hot filling and sealing of green tea,black tea,wulong tea and fruit juice.The ma-chine integrates washing,filling,capping together.The design is scientific and reasonable.lts appearance is beautiful.lts operation and maintenance is convenient.The automation is high.lt is a good equipment for choosing hot drink filling machine.