Floating ball valve for Class150 ~ Class1500, PN16 ~ PN100, JIS10K ~ JIS20K various pipeline for the truncated, or connect the line of medium, use different materials, can be separay applied to water, steam, oil, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, gas, nitric acid, acetic acid, oxidative medium, urea and other media
1, in a variety of valves, the valve of the flow path of least resistance, the whole diameter ball valve open, the ball channel, channel body and the connection and into a diameter of equal diameter, the medium is almost no loss of flow through
2, ball valve rotated 90 ° can be fully closed open, open and close quickly. With the same specifications of the valve, the valve more, ball size, light weight, ease of pipe installation
【性能參數Performance parameters】
型號 | Q41F-16C | Q41F-16P |
工作壓力(MPa) | 1.6 |
適用溫度(℃) | ≤180 |
適用介質 | 水、蒸汽、油品 | 弱腐蝕性介質 |
材料 | 閥體、閥蓋 | 碳素鋼鑄鋼 | 鉻鎳系不銹鋼 |
球體、閥桿 | 鉻/鉻鎳/鉻鎳鉬系不銹鋼 | 鉻鎳系不銹鋼 |
密封圈 | 柔性石墨墊圈/316+柔性石墨墊圈 |
填料 | 聚四氟乙烯 |