a. 安裝前應檢查泵在運輸中是否受到損壞,如電機是否受潮、泵進出口的防塵蓋是否損壞而使污物進入泵腔內部等。
b. 安裝管道前應先對管道內壁用清水或蒸氣清洗干凈。安裝時應避免使管道的重量由泵來承擔,以免影響泵的精度及壽命。
c. 齒輪油泵應盡量靠近油池;管道各聯接部位不得漏氣、漏液,否則會發生吸不上液體的現象。
d. 為防止顆粒雜盾等污物進入泵內,應在吸入口安裝金屬過濾網,過濾精度為30目/in,過濾面積應大于進油管橫截面積三倍以上。
e. 進出口管路建議安裝真空表及壓力表,以便監視泵的工作狀態。
f. 當油池較深、吸油管路較長或介質粘度較高而造成真空度過高時,可將進油管加粗一擋。吸油管路較長時還應安裝底閥。
a. 泵的各緊固件是否牢固。
b. 主動軸轉動是否輕重均勻一致。
c. 進出管道的閥門是否打開。
d. 泵的旋轉方向是否符合要求。
e. 初次使用前應向泵內注入適量介質。
a. 注意齒輪油泵的壓力表及真空表的讀數應符合該泵所規定的技術規范以內。
b. 當齒輪油泵在運轉中有不正常的噪音或溫升過高時,應立即停泵檢查。
c. 一般情況下,不得任意調整安全閥,如需調整時,要用儀器校正。
d. 額定壓力的1.5-2倍。4、泵的停止
a. 切斷電源。
b. 關閉進出管道閥門。
4. Precautions for installing gear oil pump:
a. Before installation, check whether the pump has been damaged during transportation, such as whether the motor is damp, whether the dust cover of the inlet and outlet of the pump is damaged and the dirt enters the pump cavity, etc.
b. Before installing the pipeline, clean the inner wall of the pipeline with clean water or steam. During installation, avoid letting the weight of the pipeline be borne by the pump to avoid affecting the accuracy and service life of the pump.
c. The gear oil pump should be placed as close to the oil tank as possible; all joints of the pipeline should not leak air or liquid, otherwise, the phenomenon of unable to suck liquid will occur.
d. In order to prevent impurities such as particles and debris from entering the pump, a metal filter screen with a filtration accuracy of 30 mesh/in should be installed at the suction port, and the filtration area should be more than three times the cross-sectional area of the inlet pipe.
e. It is recommended to install a vacuum gauge and a pressure gauge on the inlet and outlet pipelines to monitor the working status of the pump.
f. When the oil tank is deep, the suction pipe is long, or the viscosity of the medium is high, causing the vacuum degree to be too high, the inlet pipe can be thickened by one level. When the suction pipe is long, a bottom valve should also be installed.
5. Inspection before gear oil pump operation:
a. Whether all fasteners of the pump are firm.
b. Whether the rotation of the drive shaft is light and uniform.
c. Whether the valves of the inlet and outlet pipelines are open.
d. Whether the rotation direction of the pump meets the requirements.
e. Before first use, inject an appropriate amount of medium into the pump.
6. Maintenance during gear oil pump operation:
a. Pay attention to whether the pressure gauge and vacuum gauge of the gear oil pump meet the technical specifications specified by the pump.
b. When abnormal noise or excessive temperature rise occurs during the operation of the gear oil pump, stop the pump immediately for inspection.
c. In general, do not adjust the safety valve arbitrarily. If adjustment is necessary, use an instrument for calibration.
d. 1.5-2 times of rated pressure.
7. Pump stop:
a. Cut off power supply.
b. Close inlet and outlet pipeline valves.
KCB133-960 and 2CY8-60 gear oil pumps have three types of structures: DU bearings, tin bronze bearings, and rolling bearings. Please specify when ordering. If not specified when ordering, DU bearing structure will be supplied by default.
The bearing is an embedded type, relying on the conveyed medium for lubrication; 011 bearings and tin bronze bearings can work in non-lubricating media