The Thermo Scientific HyPerforma Rocker Bioreactor brings control and measurement to rocking bioreactor applications. The rocker is controlled by a HyPerforma G3Lab Controller and TruBio software, providing a complete solution for research, process development, or seed train production applications. The rocker is compatible with a 10 L, 20 L or 50 L Thermo Scientific Rock-it BioProcess Container (BPC), which provides from 5 L to 25 L of working volume and integrates a novel TruFluor pH+dO2 sensor for combined pH, DO , and temperature monitoring.
HyPerforma Rocker Bioreactor features include: • Rocking motion is configurable—from a smooth waveform that minimizes shear forces for sensitive cell lines, through four intermediate steps, to an aggressive motion that maximizes oxygen transfer for robust cells with high oxygen demands • Optional heating blanket—includes bimetallic temperature limiting switch embedded in the blanket to help protect against overheating or fires • Quick, simple setup with G3Lab Controller and TruBio software • TruFluor pH+dO2 sensor provides measurement and control of critical process parameters: pH, DO, and temperature
Applications • Suspension and adherent cell culture processes • Fermentation processes • PD scale to full cGMP manufacturing workflows