INV110 E. coli are derived from JM110 E. coli and are specifically designed for the growth and purification of plasmid DNA that will be digested with dam or dcm methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes. INV110 is a significant improvement over the JM110 strain. INV110 has been engineered to carry an endA1 mutation, which eliminates the non-specific endonuclease Endonuclease I, for improved plasmid DNA preparation. In addition, the INV110 genotype features:
• Blue/white screening of recombinant clones (lacZΔM15) • Reduced cleavage of foreign methylated DNA for improved transformation of genomic DNA [Δ(mcrC-mrr)] • F´ episome for phage infection and rescue of single-strand DNA
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.