原裝*德國耶拿貨號402-823.056進樣針 注射器 Needle; 0.63 mm x 0.35 mm; for all types of syringes; set of 3 pieces
原裝*德國耶拿貨號402-823.056進樣針 注射器
407-400.054 Pack of 50 pieces Sarstedt PP- sample cups with 30 ml
407-402.926 Pack of 30 pieces Sarstedt PP- sample cups with 50 ml
Consumables multi EA 5000
effective from 01.01.2010
PriorityOrder numberDescription
Consumables general
402-889.527Auto-Protection valve assembly, complete
no picture available
B402-889.091Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 pieces
402-889.652Flow test kit
no picture available
A402-889.182Wires for cleaning syringe needles, set of 10 pieces
402-007.513FAST connector, 1 piece
(adaptor angeled for gas tubings, black)
402-801.317Fuse for furnace unit
T 10 A H, 20 mm
402-820.044Air filter for membrane dryer pump (at rear side of multi EA 5000), 1 piece
北京博耐奇光電技術有限公司為您提供 :原裝空心陰極燈/石墨管/霧化器/樣品杯/進樣針/進樣器/進樣墊/注射器/TOC燃燒管等耗材配件,常用耗材配件現貨供應,訂貨貨期短,到貨快,原裝*,質量保證。