主要特點: 1.刮板系統由PTFE材料和SS316L不銹鋼材料制成,具有*抗腐蝕的功效; 2.系統的zui高溫度可以達到200℃,夾套zui高溫度可達到300℃; 3.刮板系統通過轉動將液體強制成薄膜,提供蒸發效率,減少操作時間; 4.高精度的玻璃管使液體在加熱表面形成完整的一體化薄膜; 5.蒸發的主體由高硼硅玻璃制成,可很好的觀察到整個工藝的運轉過程; 6.所有與液體和氣體接觸的部分采用PTFE或高硼硅玻璃,*抗腐蝕; 7.根據客戶要求,可以做到的規格?60--?300。 8.另可定制離心式自清潔滾輪系統的,該系統適用于TFE-150,TFE-200,TFE-300系列。 Product Description: TFE series thin film evaporator is a kind of high efficient evaporation and distillation equipment which is forced to vaporize or distilled liquid by scraper system. It can also be deodorized, defoaming, heating, cooling and other unit operations. It can be widely used in the industries of medium and Western pharmaceuticals, food, light work, petroleum, chemical and environmental protection. The system can also be used for recovering organic solvents from industrial waste liquid. 技術參數: 規格型號 有效蒸發面積 ㎡ 冷凝面積 ㎡ 桶身直徑 進料器容積 處理流量L/H 電機功率W zui大轉速RPM/MIN GYFE-60 0.05 0.2 60 1L 0.5∽3.0 120 450 GYFE-80 0.1 0.25 75 1L 1∽5 120 450 GYFE-100 0.15 0.3 100 2L 2∽8 120 450 GYFE-150 0.25 0.6 150 2L 3∽15 120 450 GYFE-200 0.3 0.6 190 5L 5∽20 120 300 GYFE-230 0.4 0.6 220 5L 6∽22 200 300 GYFE-300 0.5 1 285 10L 8∽25 200 300