Through many professional tests and practical use,we have found the Dc.odorban chips can play an anti -mold role for 6 months.Dc.odorban chips protect items from being mouldy during the using period .Its toxicity is lower than salt .Compared with any other mould-proof products, it not only has no stimulation to the skin , but also does less harm to the environment, making the first one to obtain certification of green environmental protection.
1. 皮革制品(合成革、PU、PVC、牛皮、羊皮、豬面皮、鹿皮類的鞋子、手袋、手套、帽子、皮帶、皮沙發等皮革制品)
Leather products (shoes, handbags, gloves, hats, belts, leather sofa , etc.) made up of synthetic leather, PU, PVC,cow leather, sheep skin leather, pigskin upper leather , and deer skin leather .
2. 紡織產品(棉布、尼龍、亞麻布、網布、帆布、無紡布、絨布、滌綸、錦綸等紡織材料的鞋子、沙發、背包、旅行箱)
Shoes, sofa, backpacks and luggage made up of textile materials,such as cotton, nylon, linen, mesh cloth, canvas, non-woven cloth, flannelette, polyester, polyamide fiber, and so on.
3. 竹木制品(竹材、木材、藤草類的家具、工藝品、護欄、以及中纖板、夾板、裝飾板、密度板、免漆板、石膏板)
Bamboo, wood, rattan furniture, handicraft, guardrail, medium density fiberboard, plywood, decorative board, density board, avoid lacquer board, and gypsum board.
4. 紙制品(紙制品,例如檔案文件、鞋盒、禮品盒、紙箱、掛歷、畫冊、相冊、書本、鞋材等產品)
Paper products, such as archives, shoe boxes, gift boxes, cartons, calendars, picture albums, photo albums, books, and shoes.
1. 有種特殊的芥末提取物味道,是由快到慢的釋放過程,前期釋放快速,能夠快速形成低菌環境,后期緩慢釋放,穩定環境,一般在7-15天就沒有任何味道殘留,也就是說產品到達客戶手中時,將會是不受任何霉菌感染,無任何異味的新產品,請各位放心使用
The chip has special smell which is collected by mustard, and the smell releases from fast to slow. In the pro-phase ,the chip releases very fast and creates low bacteria environment quickly. However, in the later stage ,it releases slowly to stabilize the environment. There is no smell in 7 to 15 days. In other words, the product that arrives at the customer’s hand will have no fungus infection and peculiar smell. Please rest assured to use.
2. 前期的藥效很重要,本司建議在使用過程中應配備防霉片操作盒,*有效的保持藥效,工廠也不用擔心工人們用后不及時保存
The chip’s efficacy in the pro-phase is very important, so our company suggests preparing operating box during use. As for long-term efficacy, factories do not worry about the workers not keeping the chips in time after using the chip
3. 適合用在具有相對密閉包裝的產品,如有疑問請咨詢我司工程師
Anti-mold Chip is used in the products that have relatively closed packing. If you have any questions ,please consult our engineer
Note: The descriptions of the iHeir Anti-mold chip (normal type) and the Dc.odorban anti-mold chip are similar to this product.
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