類型/Type 強堿型陰離子交換樹脂/Strong Base AnionExchange Resin 主體結構/Matrix structure 聚苯乙烯共聚物/Polystyrene copolymer 官能團/Functional group 季胺I型/Quatemary Ammonium Type I 離子形態/Ionic form 氯型/Chloride 物理型式/Physical form 濕潤球狀/Moist spherical beads 目數/Screen size USS (濕) 50 to 140 粒度/Particle size(95% minm.) 0.1 - 0.3 mm 交換容量Total exchange capacity(minm.) 1.3meq/ml 膨脹率/Swelling(approx) Cl- to OH- 12% 濕度/Moisture content 47±3% 反洗穩定密度/Backwash settled density 720 - 780 gm/lit(43 - 45 lbs/cft) 大溫度/Maximum Thermal Stability 80℃(175℉) PH范圍/PH range 0- 14 溶解性/Solubility 不溶/Insoluble in all common solvent
操作特性(TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS):Tulsimer®A-853E 樹脂床度/Resin bed depth 600 mm(24″) 大流速/Maximum service flow 60m3/hr/m3 逆洗膨脹空間/Backwash expansion spac 50 - 70% 逆洗膨脹空間/Backwash expansion flow rate(25℃) 5 - 10m3/hr/㎡ 再生劑/Regenerant NaOH 再生程度/Regeneration level 40 - 60 g NaOH/L 再生濃度/Regeneration concentration 4 - 5% 再生時間/Regeneration tim 30 - 60 分鐘 操作溫度/Maximum Operating temperature 60℃ max 沖洗流速/Rinse flow rate: 慢/slow 快/fas 再生流速/At Regeneration flow rate工作流速/At service flow rate 沖洗體積/Rinse volume 4 - 10m3/m3