簡要描述:The BioXplorer 100 is a high throughput, bioprocess screening system designed for fermentation working volumes of just 20 ml to 150 ml in blocks of 8 individually controlled bioreactors. Blocks c......
The BioXplorer 100 is a high throughput, bioprocess screening system designed for fermentation working volumes of just 20 ml to 150 ml in blocks of 8 individually controlledbioreactors.Blockscanbecombinedtogive an even larger number of parallelreactors.
|Fullyautomated,highinformationcontentscreeningtool ideal for DOEstudies
| Most compact system for optimised use of bench space
|Highlycosteffectivesystemforscalable,rapid, high throughputbioprocessing
|Idealforcellline/strainscreening,mediaoptimisation and small scale processdevelopment
| Suitable for robotic integration
|Choiceofreactorsizesandtypesincludingelevated pressure design (5 bar or 10 baroptions)