怎么處理含硫惡臭氣體污染? 常州藍陽環保設備有限公司是專業從事惡臭廢氣處理廢氣處理工程制造、安裝、維護服務的專業環保公司,本公司整合技術并結合國內市場需求,經過科學的設計、開發研制出一系列質優、價廉、安全實用的廢氣處理環保設備環保設備。藍陽環保自主研發、生產的工業廢氣處理設備,在用戶和行業內都有著良好的口碑。
含硫廢氣可用兩種方法加以處理,一種是在燃燒 前使燃料脫硫,一種是經燃燒后從煙道氣中脫硫。煙道氣中二氧化硫的濃度極低,通常在0.2多左右,因此在脫硫過程中其氣體處理量很大,就一個一億千瓦的火力發電廠為例,每分鐘就要產生5,097米"的煙道氣。但是,從國外的報道來看,燃燒后脫硫仍比燃燒前脫硫要經濟得多,如渣油燃燒前進行催化加氫脫硫其每 噸成本為2.1、了美元,而燃燒后對煙道·氣脫硫的成本,則每噸僅為0.66、1.65美元。 據不統計,目前從煙道氣中脫硫的化學處理方法巳有23種,但大多尚處于研究階段,僅少數方法已在火力發電廠和硫酸廠試用。
惡臭物質多數來自于以石油為原料的化工廠、污水處理廠、垃圾處理廠、飼料廠、畜牧產品農場、皮革廠等工業企業。特別是石油中含有微量且多種結構形式的硫、 氧、氮等的烴類化合物,在儲存、運輸和加熱、合成等工藝過程中產生的臭氣逸散到大氣中,造成環境的惡臭污染。1995年修改后頒布的《中華人民共和國大氣 污染防治法》,明確規定向大氣排放惡臭氣體的排污單位,必須采取治理措施防止周圍居民區受到污染。
惡臭氣體對人體有一定的危害,一切令人不適的氣味都屬于惡臭氣體,惡臭是一種影響廣泛的公害,強烈刺激人的心理,嚴重時引起中毒。它對人體的毒害是多方面 的:首先引起人體反射性地抑制吸氣,妨礙正常呼吸功能;神經系統長期受到低濃度惡臭的刺激,使嗅覺脫失,繼而使大腦皮層興奮與抑制的調節功能失調。
How to deal with the stench of sulfur gas pollution? Yang Changzhou Blue Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is specialized in the stench of exhaust gas treatment process engineering and manufacturing, installation, maintenance train service professional environmental company, the company integrates advanced technology combined with the domestic market demand, scientifically designed, developed and worked out a series of high quality, inexpensive, safe and practical environmental waste gas treatment equipment environmental equipment. Blue-green independent research and development, production of industrial waste gas treatment equipment, and users in the industry have a good reputation.
Sulfur-containing gas to be addressed two ways, one is prior to combustion of the fuel desulfurization, one is after combustion from the flue gas desulfurization. The concentration of sulfur dioxide in flue gas is very low, usually more than 0.2 or so, so in the course of its gas desulfurization process a large amount, it is a one hundred million kilowatts of thermal power plant, for example, will produce 5,097 meters per minute, "the smoke Road gas. However, reports from abroad, the post-combustion desulfurization still much more economical than pre-combustion desulfurization, such as former oil burner catalytic hydrodesulfurization its cost per ton of 2.1 US dollars, while the combustion of tobacco Doug gas desulfurization cost of only $ 0.66,1.65 per ton, according to incomplete statistics, the chemical treatment from the flue gas desulfurization Pat 23 species, but most are still in the research stage, only a few methods have been thermal power plant and a sulfuric acid plant trial.
Most of odorous substances derived from petroleum-based raw materials, chemical plants, sewage treatment plants, waste treatment plants, feed mill, farm livestock products, tanneries and other industrial enterprises. Especially oil and contains trace amounts of a variety of structural forms of sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and other hydrocarbon compounds, odor generated in the storage, transport and heating, the process synthesis escape into the atmosphere, causing environmental pollution stench . After the enactment of the 1995 revised "People's Republic of China Air Pollution Prevention Law" clearly provides that discharge malodorous gases into the atmosphere discharging unit must take control measures to prevent contamination of the surrounding residential areas.
Malodorous gases on the human body has certain hazards, all unpleasant odors are all odorous gases, odor nuisance is a widely influenced strongly stimulate human psychology, causing severe poisoning. Its human poisoning are manifold: first cause human reflex to suppress breathing, impede normal respiratory function; the nervous system has long been a low concentration stench of stimulation, so that olfactory depigmentation, then the cerebral cortex excitatory and inhibitory regulatory function disorders.