JSR1103運動粘度測定器 一、符合GB/T265和IS03104標準 二、主要技術參數: 控溫范圍:常溫~-40℃ 控溫精度:±0.1℃ 控溫方式:進口數顯溫控儀自動控溫 攪拌方式:電機自動攪拌 試樣孔數:2孔 致冷方式:進口壓縮機制冷 整機功率:1.7KW 工作電源:AC220V±10% 50HZ 三、性能及特點: 1、儀器采用進口壓縮機制冷,杜瓦瓶保溫,具有制冷量大,降溫速度快,觀察、操作方便等特點。制冷劑采用環保制冷劑,是理想的環保節能產品。 2、儀器采用進口數顯溫控儀控制恒溫浴溫度,控溫精度高,顯示直觀。 3、儀器采用數顯計時器計時,計時準確,操作方便并且顯示直觀。 4、儀器采用電熱管加熱和壓縮機致冷方式調節恒溫浴溫度,既能升溫又能降溫,確保恒溫浴溫度能恒定在-40℃~常溫之間的任一點。 JSR1103 kinematic viscosity tester I. Comply with GB/T265 and IS03104 standards Ii. Main Technical parameters: Temperature control range: normal temperature ~ -40℃ Temperature control accuracy: ±0.1℃ Temperature control mode: Automatic temperature control with imported digital display temperature controller Stirring mode: automatic stirring by motor Number of sample holes: 2 Refrigeration: Imported compressor refrigeration Machine power: 1.7KW Power supply: AC220V± 10% 50HZ Iii. Performance and Characteristics: 1, the instrument adopts imported compressor refrigeration, dewar bottle insulation, with large cooling capacity, fast cooling speed, easy to observe, operate and so on. The refrigerant USES environmental protection refrigerant, is the ideal environmental protection energy - saving product. 2. The instrument adopts imported digital display temperature controller to control the temperature of constant temperature bath, with high temperature control precision and intuitive display. 3, the instrument adopts digital display timer timing, timing is accurate, easy to operate and intuitive display. 4. The instrument adopts electric heat pipe heating and compressor cooling to adjust the temperature of the constant temperature bath, which can both heat up and cool down, ensuring that the constant temperature of the constant temperature bath can be kept at any point between -40℃ and normal temperature. |