單克隆抗體與重組蛋白質越來越多地被作為生物治療性制劑。相應地,LC和LC/MS方法也作為有力的分離技術而占據了重要地位,用于支持蛋白鑒定和穩定性測試。沃特世蛋白分離技術(PrST:Protein Separation Technology)產品包括反相、離子交換和分子篩色譜柱,能夠很好的應對這些分離挑戰。此外,我們基于HPLC的BioSuite、SEC、IEX、HIC和反相HPLC柱為這些大分子分離提供了杰出的色譜性能。
ACQUITY UPLC SEC系統解決方案基于的亞乙基橋雜化(BEH)
二醇包膜顆粒柱技術,能將蛋白質或肽單體與其聚合物快速分離并進行準確定量,這是生物制藥領域中各大客戶購買ACQUITYUPLC SEC系統解決方案的關鍵原因所在。
2010年,沃特世推出了1.7µm的ACQUITY UPLC Protein BEH SEC色譜柱,用于在沃特世低擴散的UPLC儀器上獲得性能。與傳統的5-8 µm SEC色譜柱相比,ACQUITYUPLC Protein BEH SEC色譜柱在更短時間內表現出了的組分分離度。2015年開始,沃特世相繼推出化學性質一致的XBridge Protein BEH SEC125?、200?和450?, 3.5, 2.5 µm色譜柱,可在常規HPLC平臺上提供相當的組分分離度。
Analysis of Biomolecules by Size- Exclusion UltraPerformanc e Liquid Chromatography
In the production of biopharmaceuticals, there may be different analytical requirements for groups performing clone section, formulations and stability, and quality control (QC). Depending on the goal of the separation, methods may be optimized for fast analysis time, highest possible resolution, and/or reproducibility. Size-exclusion (SEC) chromatography is often used throughout the biopharmaceutical production process for the analysis of proteins and their aggregates. While SEC has traditionally been used in conjunction with low pressure HPLC instrumentation, the advent of UPLC® Technology and new sub-2 µm packing materials allows for substantial improvements in chromatographic resolution and throughput. This application note will demonstrate the use of the new ACQUITY UPLC® SEC solution for the improved detection and/ or faster analysis of protein aggregates in biopharmaceuticals.