GL21R離心機集目前國內外離心機于一體,各性能指標接近水平。該機制冷采用進口機組,驅動采用變頻電機,變頻器進口,整機采用電腦控制及大屏幕液晶漢顯。具有轉子自動識別系統以防轉子過速。 該機廣泛適用于生物、醫學、制藥、遺傳學、食品衛生、防疫檢驗、環境科學、大專院校等領域。 GL21R High-Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge applies various most state-of-the-art technologies. Its performance is approaching international standards. The instrument is equipped with imported machines in its refrigeration system, a frequency conversion electromotor in its drive system and an imported transducer. The whole instrument is controlled by a microcomputer and has a large LCD screen on it which can recognize Chinese characters. With the application of an auto identifying system, it can effectively prevent the rotors from overspeeding. GL21R is widely used in fields of biology, medicine, pharmacy, genetics, food sanitation, epidemic prevention, environmental science, colleges and etc.