burkert寶德 6013兩位兩通微型電磁閥burkert寶德 6013兩位兩通微型電磁閥,適用于各種介質的關斷、加藥、灌裝等,Z高溫度可達 +180℃。也適用于工藝真空。Is suitable for various medium shut off, dosing, filling, etc., the highest temperature can be up to + 180 ℃......
6013burkert寶德 6013兩位兩通微型電磁閥的詳細資料
burkert寶德 6013兩位兩通微型電磁閥,6013型直動式電磁閥可單個安裝或組合安裝。適用于各種介質的關斷、加藥、灌裝等,zui高溫度可達 +180℃。也適用于工藝真空。Type 6013 direct acting solenoid valve can be installed a single or combination. Is suitable for various medium shut off, dosing, filling, etc., the highest temperature can be up to + 180 ℃. Can also be applied to vacuum process.