The optimeter is widely used to precisely measure external size of workpiece by comparison with a gauge block or standard part. It is applicable for examining 5-grade gauge blocks, cylinder gauges and external sizes of precision parts such as parallel planes, spheres and cylinders. 數字式立式光學計|JDG-S1技術參數:
被測件長度 Max. measured length
180 mm
直接測量范圍 Measuring range
>=±0.1 mm
最小顯示值 Resolution
0.1 μm
測量力 Measuring pressute
(2±0.2) N
示值變動性 Instability
0.1 μm
不準確度 Max. inaccuracy
±0.25 μm
讀數方式 Reading mode
數字顯示 Digital display
測量誤差 Max.measurement error
±(0.5+L/100) μm L是被測長度,以mm計 L is the measured length in mm