Mod.THVS-2D Vickers Microhardness Tester 主要特點: ●儀器在光、機、電上采用精密設計像質特別清晰。 ●可調照明亮度,自動熄滅保護。 ●數碼管面板直接顯示壓痕對角線長度、硬度值試驗力保持時間,測量次數等。 ●顯示轉換HRC、HK值。 ●完成物鏡→加載→保載→卸載→物鏡全過程。 ●可安裝CCD攝像頭。 Main characteristics: ●The instrument is well designed in the optical、mechanical and electric parts and hence produces very clear profiles. ●The illumination is adjustable and the light may go off automatically for the selfprotection. ●The numerical control tube screen can directly indicate the diagonal length of the indentment,the hardness value,the test force,the dwell time,and the number of the tests made. ●The instrument can trace and position the automatic tower with hight precision,completing the whole procedure of the objective→the loading of the carriage→the dwell of the carriage→the unloading of the carriage→the objective. ●The instrument has a place for the installment of CCD camera. THVS-2D型自動轉塔數顯顯微硬度計THVS-2 Vickers Microhardness Tester
技術參數 Technical Parameters
試驗力 牛頓N Test Force N
加載機構 Carriage Loading
自動完成加載,保載和卸載 Automatic Loading,Dwelling and Unloading
塔臺機構 Microscope Tower Structure
物鏡和壓頭自動切換 The objective and the indenter can be automatically interchanged
保載時間 Dwell Time
(0—99)S 任選 (0—99)S optional
物鏡 Objective
10X(觀察) 40X(測量) 10X(observation) 40X(measurement)
目鏡 Microscope
倍率10X,測量zui大值280um,zui小值0.1um,超顯分辨率0.03um the amplification:10X the max. measurement value:280um the min.graduation :0.1um numerical resolving power:0.03um
放大倍數 Amplification
10X(觀察) 40X(測量) 10X(observation) 40X(measurement)
X-Y載物臺 X-Y Working Table
尺寸:110x110mm 行程:25x25mm zui小分度:0.01mm the Dimension 110x110mm the Travel 25x25mm the min Graduation 0.01mm
樣品zui大高度 Max.Height of Specimen
樣品zui大深度 Max.Depth of Specimen
硬度標尺 Hardness Scale
自動切換 HK和HRC Automatic Interchange between HK and HRC
打印機 Printer
選配外接噴墨打印機 optional printer installed outside
攝像通道 Photography Chanel
雙通道 optional
精度 Precision
符合:中國計量檢定規程JJG260-91、日本工業標準JISB-7734、ISO146及美國材料測試協會ASTME-384標準。 In Accordance with:JJG260-91-the Measurement Calibration of China,JISB-7734-the Industrial Standards of Japan,ISO146 and the ASTME-384-the Standards of the Material Testing Society of the United States。