本系列產品為L波段微波光端機(微波光纖傳輸模塊或系統,RF over Fiber),有3GHz, 5GHz, 10GHz, 20GHz等不同帶寬的產品,產品可將RF信號轉換成光信號,通過光纖傳輸,接收端再將光信號轉換可回RF信號。根據需要,可選擇單向和雙向傳輸系統。
RFoF modules convert RF signals to optical signals and back. One unit has an optical transmitter converts RF to Optical signal, and second receiver unit converts Optical to RF signal. The two units are connected by an optical fiber of the customer. L波段微波光端機(微波光纖傳輸模塊)Applications: ? Telecommunication – Antenna remoting , long RF links via fiber ? Radar systems S波段微波光端機(微波光纖傳輸模塊)Key features: ? Best Cost Performance ? Frequency Range: 0.1-20 GHz L波段微波光端機(微波光纖傳輸模塊)Options: ? Various RF Gains ? Input/output impendence: 50/75 Ohm ? Connectors: SMA, N type F type ? Electrical interface and Dimensions can be tailored per customer request ? Unidirectional or Bidirectional enclosure L波段微波光端機(微波光纖傳輸模塊)簡要參數值 RF 參數: 頻率范圍:0.1GHz~20GHz; 射頻增益:-30dB (可選-5dB); 1dB壓縮點:>20dBm; *大輸入RF電平:23dBm; VSWR: 2:1; 噪聲指數:40dB @1MHz; 相位噪聲:100dBc/Hz (*小值); 回波損耗:-10dB; 輸入/輸出阻抗:50歐 L波段微波光端機(微波光纖傳輸模塊)系統光學參數: 波長:1550nm; 出功率:20mW;