PCT910型石油產品殘炭測定儀(電爐法) 執行標準:SH/T0170 SH/T0170-1992 1、適用于在試驗條件下,用電爐加熱蒸發潤滑油重質液體燃料或其它石油產品的試樣,并測定 燃燒后形成的焦黑色殘留物(殘炭)的重量百分數 2、溫度范圍: 室溫~550℃內任意設定 3、控溫精度: ±1℃ 4、儀器包括加熱設備與控制設備兩大部分 5、加熱功率: 2KW 6、4孔,金屬浴 7、智能化程度:基于微處理器的智能儀表控溫,數字顯示溫度,具有溫度修正功能 8、儀器材料: 進口磨砂不銹鋼 9、電 源 : AC220V 50HZ PCT910 type oil products carbon residue tester (electric furnace method) Implementation of the standards: SH/T0170 SH/T0170-1992 1, applies, under the experimental conditions, using an electric furnace heated to evaporate the lubricant oil heavy liquid fuel or other petroleum products, the sample and measuring the coke black residue formed after combustion (carbon residue) weight percentage 2, temperature range: room temperature ~ 550 ℃ arbitrarily set 3, temperature control accuracy: ± 1 ℃ 4, the two parts of the instrument, including heating equipment and control devices 5, heating power: 2KW 6,4 hole metal bath 7, the degree of intelligence: a microprocessor-based smart meter temperature control, digital temperature display with temperature correction 8, instruments and materials: imported matte stainless steel 9 Power supply: AC220V 50HZ |