? 采用高品質液晶觸摸顯示屏,操作界面直觀,使用簡便。
? 機頭采用電動升降。
? 轉桿與溶出杯自動對中心定位。
? 采用14個1000ml溶出杯,12籃桿、12槳桿標準配置,儀器留有2個補液杯保溫專用孔。
? 轉速控制采用步進電機,運行平穩,噪音低。
? 采用高精度溫度傳感器控溫,采用雙路溫度傳感器,一路控溫,另一路測溫,可隨時檢測各溶出杯溫度。
? 具有溫控自檢功能。
? 籃法,槳法及小杯法距杯底高度自動定位。
? 具有用戶管理功能,可通過用戶名加密碼方式,登錄用戶賬戶,可在本賬戶下進行各種參數設置及運行試驗。
? 可預置存儲27組的實驗參數。
? 可設定儀器校驗日期,到期自動提示。
? 定時關機、定時自動預熱功能。
? 日期、時鐘、溫度即時校準功能。
? 超低、超高溫報警及二次過熱保護功能。
? 可存儲用戶登錄信息及實驗記錄。
? 可選配微型打印機打印實時試驗數據及歷史記錄。
? 滿足仿制藥質量一致性評價的試驗儀器。
? 攪拌槳擺動幅度:≤0.5mm
? 轉籃擺動幅度:≤1.0mm
? 轉桿與溶出杯同軸度:≤2.0mm。
? 調速范圍:10-300 轉/分
? 轉速分辨率:1 轉/分
? 穩速誤差:≤±4%
? 調溫范圍:10℃(室溫)-55℃
? 溫度分辨率:0.01℃
? 控溫誤差:≤±0.3℃
? 方法存儲: 27 組
? 取樣周期個數:最多25個不同的取樣周期
? 取樣周期時間:最長99小時59分鐘/每周期
? 工作噪聲:<60dB
? 電源:AC 220V±10% 50 Hz,1350W
? 工作環境:5-37℃,相對濕度≤80%
? 安全性能:符合國家行業標準。
? 體積及重量:108*55*1400px,約95Kg
The instrument meets the generic qualityconsistency evaluation
RCY-1400T (Test status)
Registered trademark: Haiyida
Proprietary product
In summarizes many year productions tothe dissolution tester in success empirical base, RCY-1400T dissolution testeris our company uses advanced technology and components to decelop a new drugdissolution tester. The instrument adopts the high quality LCD touch screen, 14cups 12 poles with double row. The "main menu" and "basicexperiment" option can be convenient to the conventional repetitive trialsor research.
? Using highquality LCD touch screen, the operation interface intuitive and easy to be used
? Produced byelectric lift
? On center polewith dissolution cup automatic positioning
? Standardconfigurations by fourteen 1000ml dissolution cups, 12 basket poles and 12paddles, and have 2 rehydration insulation cup special holes
? Speed controlusing stepper motor, smooth operation, low noise
? Temperature sensorwith high precision temperature control, adopts dual temperature sensor,temperature control, the other temperature measuring all the way, could detectthe dissolution temperature at any time
? With functions oftemperature control self-inspection
? Basket, paddle andsmall cup method from the bottom of the cup height automatic positioning
? Has the usermanagement function, logins user account by the user name and password, canundertake various parameters under this account set up and run the test
? Storage can bepreset 27 groups of experimental parameters
? Can be setequipment calibration date, expire automatically prompt
? Timing shutdown,timing, automatic preheating function
? Date, real-timeclock, temperature calibration function
? Ultra, ultra hightemperature alarm and secondary overheating protection function
? Can store the userlogin information and the test record
? Optional miniature printer real-time test data and historical records
? Wobble of paddle: ≤0.5mm
? Wobble of rotatingbasket: ≤1.0mm
? Deviation betweenthe shaft and the vessel: ≤2.0mm
? Speed control:Adjustable range: 10 to 300 rpm
? Speed resolution:1rpm
? Speed accuracy: ≤±4%
? Temperaturecontrol: Adjustable range: 5℃(room temperature) to 55℃
? Temperatureresolution: 0.01℃
? Temperatureaccuracy: ≤±0.3℃
? Methods storage:27 groups
? Number of samplingintervals: maximum 25
? Sampling cycletime: maximum 99 hours 59 minutes per cycle
? Working noise: <60dB
? Power requirement:AC 220V±10% 50 Hz, 1350W
? Environmentrequirement: temperature 5 to 37℃, humidity ≤80%
? Safetyperformance: in line with national industry standards
? Volume and weight:108*55*1400px, about 95kg
In compliance withthe CP standards