高壓華新科1808/4520貼片電容參數:品牌WALSIN/華新科型號1808/4520介質材料陶瓷(瓷介)應用范圍高壓外形方塊狀功率特性大功率頻率特性高頻調節方式可變引線類型無引線允許偏差±10(%)耐壓值100(V)等效串聯電阻(ESR)0(mΩ)標稱容量100pF~220uF(uF)損耗0額定電壓100(V)絕緣電阻0(mΩ)溫度系數0華新科高壓1808/4520 貼片電容 片容 貼片電容器抗彎試驗* The middle part of substrate shall be pressurized bymeans of the pressurizing rod at a rate of about 1 mm persecond until the deflection becomes 1 mm and then thepressure shall be maintained for 5±1 sec.* Measurement to be made after keeping at room temp.for 24±2 hrs.* No remarkable damage.* Cap change:NP0: within ±5% or 0.5pF whichever is largerX7R, X5R, X6S: within ±12.5%Y5V: within ±30%(This capacitance change means the change of capacitance underspecified flexure of substrate from the capacitance measured beforethe test.)手 機: 王小姐Q Q:電 話::辦公地址:東莞市塘廈大道北552號3H創客中心312電子郵箱:goodonecn