The Cytomat 2 Hotel Ambient Storage is the ideal solution for small?capacity random access storage (42 SBS microplates) at ambient conditions. This latest system in the Cytomat 2 series is based on th......
Matches your Capacity with 2 Stacker
56 pieces: 1536-well plates
42 pieces: 96-well or 384-well plates
30 pieces: transwell or insert plates
20 pieces: deep-well plates
Further stacker types available on request
Mix and match different pitch stackers
Mean access time of 12 seconds, with a maximum of 14 seconds
Flexible Stacker Design
Compatible with existing Cytomat stackers
Standard or customized stacker pitch sizes
Mix and match different pitch stackers
Autoclaveable, stainless steel
Ventilation slots allow accurate temperature distribution
Convenient and Easy-to Use
Internal and direct barcode reader
Various transfer positions
Easy to Integrate
Intuitive software commands
Manufactured in an ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 accredited facility