Retrofit CDSEM S-9380 執行原廠新機器同樣驗收技術指標:
Wafer size : 8-inch (200-mm size)
V-notch wafer of SEMI or JEIDA standards is applicable.
CD measurement principle : Cursor and line profile measurement
CD measurement range : 0.05 to 2.0 mm (either line width or hole diameter)
CD measurement reproducibility : ±1% or 0.6 nm (3 sigma), whichever larger
Throughput : due to the data after modification from Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
Secondary electron image resolution
: 2 nm (at accelerating voltage of 0.8 kV; with
Hitachi’s reference specimen for resolution measurement)
Magnification : SEM image - 1,000′to 300,000′
Optical microscope image - approximately 110x (220x is optional)