主要測量功能 | 描述 |
| 在同一個方向上進行長度測量(測量模式1), 無須考慮測頭直徑 Length measurements in one direction, without gauge-head constant (Measuring mode 1) |
| 在上下方向上進行長度測量(測量模式2), 要考慮測頭直徑 Length measurements in two directions, with gauge-head constant (Measuring mode 2) |
| <連續性>顯示測量(測量模式3) display (Measuring mode 3) |
| 在測量模式2狀態下顯示出上兩次觸測值的差值 Display of the difference between the last two probe contacts (Measuring mode 2) |
| 在測量模式1和模式2狀態下顯示出上兩次顯示值的差值 Display of the difference between the last two displayed reading (Measuring 1 and 2) |
| 在測量模式2狀態下, 通過兩次觸測來建立基準點,以獲得各種長度和位置坐標 Measurement with 2 probe contacts per length measurement (Measuring mode 2) |
| 在測量模式2狀態下, 通過一次觸測來建立基準點,以獲得各種長度測量 Measurement with 1 probe contact per length measurement (Measuring mode 2) |
| 在測量模式1, 2和3狀態下建立新的基準點 Establishing a new reference (Measuring mode 1,2 and 3) |
| 在測量模式1, 2和3狀態下, 予置數輸入 function (presetting of numerical values) (Measuring mode 1, 2 and 3) |
| 自動將測量數據傳輸給外設 Automatic data transfer to a peripheral |
| 確認并記錄數據在儀器存儲器中 Confirmation and further registering of data in the instrument memory |
| 增位測量, 表示找到點(測內外直徑時使用) Increment digit, in measuring mode this indicates detection of the maximum culmination point |
| 減位測量, 表示找到點(測內外直徑時使用) Decreasement digit, in measuring mode this indicates detection of the minimum culmination point |
| 每按一下,即將讀數傳給外設 Transfer a reading to a peripheral |
| 公英制單位轉換 Change unit |
| 取消上一次功能或測量選擇 Cancel last function or probe |
| 儀器開關鍵, On/Off |