軟密封蝶閥適用于溫度≤120℃,公稱壓力≤1.6MPa的食品、醫藥、化工、石油、 電力、輕紡、造紙等給排水、氣體管道上作調節流量和截流介質的作用。其主要特點為: 1、設計新額、合理,結構,重量輕,啟閉迅速。 2、操力矩小,操作方便,省力靈巧。 3、可以任何位置安裝、維修方便。 4、密封件可以更換,密封性能可靠達到雙向密封零泄漏。 5、密封材料耐老化、耐腐蝕,使用壽命長等特點。 | Soft sealing butterfly valve is suitable for water supplying and draining,gas pipe as adjust flux and cut off medium in foodstuft.pharmacy,chemical industry,petroleum,electric power, light textile, paper making etc with temperature<120C,nominal pressure<1.6MPa.The main characteristic such as: 1.Novel and reasonable design,special structure,light and start and stop rapidly. 2.Tiny operative moment,operation conveniently and skillfully. 3.Installation in any position,easyto maintain 4.It can exchange sealed component,antisepsis,reliable hermetical capacity and seal in double direction with zero leakage. 5.Hermetical material aging resistant,antisepsis,and long service life etc. |