The 760 Series flow control servovalves are throttle valves for 3-, and preferably 4-way applications.They are a high performance, two-stage design that covers the range of rated flows from 1 to 15 gpm at 1000 psi valve drop.The output stage is a closed center, four-way, sliding spool.The pilot stage is a symmetrical doublenozzle and flapper, driven by a double air gap, dry torque motor. Mechanical feedback of spool position is provided by a cantilever spring.The valve design is simple and rugged for dependable, long life operation.
These valves are suitable for electrohydraulic position, speed, pressure or force control systems with high dynamic response requirements.
Principle of operation
An electrical command signal (flow rate set point) is applied to the torque motor coils and creates a magnetic force which acts on the ends of the pilot stage armature.This causes a deflection of armature/flapper assembly within the flexure tube. Deflection of the flapper restricts fluid flow through one nozzle which is carried through to one spool end, displacing the spool.
Movement of the spool opens the supply pressure port (P) to one control port while simultaneously opening the tank port (T) to the other control port. The spool motion also applies a force to the cantilever spring, creating a restoring torque on the armature/flapper assembly
Once the restoring torque becomes equal to the torque from the magnetic forces, the armature/flapper assembly moves back to the neutral position, and the spool is held open in a state of equilibrium until the command signal changes to a new level.
In summary, the spool position is proportional to the input current and, with constant pressure drop across the valve, flow to the load is proportional to the spool position.
? 2-stage design with dry torque motor
? Low friction double nozzle pilot stage
? High spool control forces ? High dynamics
? Rugged, long-life design ? High resolution, low hysteresis
? Compley set-up at the factory
? Optional fifth port for separate pilot supply
? Intrinsically safe or flameproof valve versions are available
- 2級設計,噴嘴擋板試點階段和機械反饋提供高動態,高分辨率和低滯后
- 高滑閥驅動力量,堅固耐用的設計可確保長壽命運行
- 緊湊的設計允許應用程序有限的足跡
- 液壓數據
- 額定流量
4至57升/分鐘(1到15 gpm)的ΔP70巴(1000磅)
- zui大工作壓力
- 安裝模式
ISO 10372-04-04-0-92 | 0.875“端口圈
- 100%的階躍響應
3至16毫秒@ 210巴(3000磅)
- 電子數據
- 電源電壓
N / A
- 額定信號選項
+ / -15,+ / -30,+ / -40,+ / -50,+ / -200毫安(單線圈)
- 其他選項