特點: Unit features: 1 、選用進口原裝半封閉雙螺桿壓縮機,與傳統的往復式壓縮機相比,具有高效、運行寧靜、操作簡單、使用壽命長等優點。 1、 Import original semi-closed double screw compressor, compared with the traditional reciprocating compressors, efficient, quiet operation, simple operation, long service life, etc. 2 、采用世界制冷部件,保證機組的質量和運行穩定。 2、The world famous refrigeration components, ensure the quality and stable operation of the unit. 3 、蒸發器、冷凝器均采用高效螺紋換熱銅管,換熱系數高,同時管內蒸發與管外冷凝具有較高的換熱效率,確保機組良好的制冷性能。 3、Using the latest evaporator and condenser copper pipe threaded heat efficiency, high coefficient of heat exchange tube and tube evaporation, while the condensing high thermal, ensure good performance of refrigeration unit. 4 、獨立的制冷回路,可單獨維護與檢修而不影響整機的使用。 4、Independent refrigeration loop, maintenance and overhaul alone without affecting the use of machine. 5 、機組采用西門子微電腦可編程控制器控制,配合壓縮機分段能量調節系統可及時、準確的控制機制冷量與冷負荷的匹配,保證機組運行效率zui高,能耗zui低,實現可靠的節能運行。 5、By adopting Siemens PLC control, microcomputer with piecewise energy regulation system can compressor in a timely, accurate control of the cooling load capacity and machine, ensure the highest efficiency, energy unit operation, reliable running. |