進口水用高壓減壓閥 一、進口水用高壓減壓閥 產品概述 品牌:美國歐可OKE 進口水用高壓減壓閥,Water high-pressure reducing valve也叫高壓調壓閥,主要由調節彈簧、膜片、活塞、閥座、閥瓣等零件組成,利用膜片直接傳感下游壓力驅動閥瓣,控制閥瓣開度完成減壓穩壓功能的閥門。閥前壓力32Mpa,出口減到0.1Mpa,適用于高壓或者高壓差的水流介質場合,將進口的高壓力減到并穩定在需要的壓力值。 美國歐可OKE進口水用高壓減壓閥主要應用在煤礦井下高壓,城市高層建筑、酒店等冷熱供水系統中,可取代常規分區水管,節省設備。也可在通常的冷熱水管網中,起減壓穩壓作用。 主要特征: ◆結構新穎合理、高壓減壓穩定 ◆工作平穩可靠、大流量通行 ◆閥瓣快開慢閉、高壓差時無水錘沖擊(關閉時間可調) ◆減穩壓精度高、調節范圍大 ◆密封性能好、使用壽命時間長 二、進口水用高壓減壓閥 技術參數及性能 公稱壓力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0 殼體試驗壓力(Mpa)* 2.4 3.75 6.0 9.6 15.0 24 密封試驗壓力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0 進口壓力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0 出口壓力范圍(Mpa) 0.04-1.0 0.05-1.6 0.08-2.5 0.2-3.5 0.5-3.5 0.5-4.5 最小壓差(Mpa) 0.07 0.1 0.15 0.4 0.5 0.8 滲漏量 ANSI560359 三、進口水用高壓減壓閥 額定流量系數 DN 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 Cv 1 2.5 4 6.5 9 16 25 36 64 100 140 250 400 570 780 1020 1500 四、進口水用高壓減壓閥 零件材料 零件名稱 零件材料 閥體 閥蓋 底蓋 WCB 閥座 2Cr13 閥瓣 2Cr13 閥桿 2Cr13 缸套 2Cr13/25(鍍硬鉻) 活塞 2Cr13 O型圈 丁腈橡膠 密封圈 丁腈橡膠 膜片 夾織物丁腈橡膠 調節彈簧 60Si2Mn 五、進口水用高壓減壓閥 部分業績 三亞文華東方酒店、香格里拉臺南遠東國際大飯店、波士頓文華東方酒店、布拉格凱賓斯基、迪拜塔、臺北101大廈、上海金融中心、香港貿易廣場蒙特里凱悅度假村、曼谷香格里拉大酒店、波爾托羅曰凱賓斯基酒店、巴黎瑪德萊娜凱悅酒店、布達佩斯卡爾維努斯凱賓斯基酒店 六、進口水用高壓減壓閥安裝說明: 1、安裝高壓氣體減壓閥之前必須對管路系統進地沖洗清理,以防焊渣、氧化皮等臟物流入閥內,影響閥門正常工作。 2、高壓氣體減壓閥應安裝在便于操作和維修的地方,并且必須直立安裝在水平管路上(見安裝示意圖)應注意使管路中介質的流向與閥體上箭頭所示方向一致,切勿裝反 3、高壓氣體減壓閥在安裝使用時,應先把旁通管路上的截止閥打開,排除管路中的冷凝水和汽水混合物,以防減壓閥開啟時產生水擊現象損壞減壓閥,當無異?,F象后,按順時針方向緩慢旋轉調節螺釘,將出口壓力調至所需要的壓力(以閥后表壓為準),調整好后,將鎖緊螺母鎖緊,擰上防護罩。 4、減壓閥前應安裝過濾器,以防止介質中的雜質進入減壓閥,影響其性能。 5、安裝的減壓閥前后應有一段直管,閥前直管長度約為600毫米,閥后直管長度約為1000毫米。 本公司產品可以按客戶規格/型號/壓力/溫度/材質定制 High pressure relief valve for imported water 1. High pressure relief valve for imported water Product Overview Brand: US Ouke OKE Water high-pressure reducing valve is also called high-pressure pressure regulating valve. It is mainly composed of adjusting spring, diaphragm, piston, valve seat and valve disc. It uses diaphragm to directly sense downstream pressure-driven valve. The valve that controls the valve opening to complete the decompression and pressure regulation function. The maximum valve front pressure is 32Mpa, and the outlet is reduced to 0.1Mpa. It is suitable for high-pressure or high-pressure water flow media applications, reducing the high pressure of the inlet to the required pressure value. The US Ou Ke OKE imported water high pressure relief valve is mainly used in coal mine high pressure, urban high-rise buildings, hotels and other hot and cold water supply systems, which can replace the conventional partition water pipes and save equipment. It can also be used in the normal hot and cold water pipe network to reduce the pressure. Main features: ◆The structure is novel and reasonable, high pressure and pressure reduction ◆Stable and reliable work, large traffic ◆The valve flap opens and closes slowly, and the high pressure difference is no impact on the hammer (the closing time is adjustable) ◆High voltage regulation and high adjustment range ◆Good sealing performance and long service life 2. High-pressure pressure reducing valve for imported water Technical parameters and performance Nominal pressure (Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0 Shell test pressure (Mpa)* 2.4 3.75 6.0 9.6 15.0 24 Seal test pressure (Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0 Maximum import pressure (Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 16.0 Outlet pressure range (Mpa) 0.04-1.0 0.05-1.6 0.08-2.5 0.2-3.5 0.5-3.5 0.5-4.5 Minimum differential pressure (Mpa) 0.07 0.1 0.15 0.4 0.5 0.8 Leakage ANSI560359 Third, the imported water high pressure relief valve rated flow coefficient DN 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 Cv 1 2.5 4 6.5 9 16 25 36 64 100 140 250 400 570 780 4. High-pressure pressure reducing valve for imported water Part Name Part Material Body bonnet bottom cover WCB Seat 2Cr13 Disc 2Cr13 Stem 2Cr13 Cylinder liner 2Cr13/25 (hard chrome plating) Piston 2Cr13 O-ring nitrile rubber Sealing ring Diaphragm clip fabric nitrile rubber Adjustment spring 60Si2Mn V. Imported water high pressure relief valve Mandarin Oriental, Sanya, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Boston, Mandarin Oriental, Boston Kempinski, Burj Khalifa, Taipei 101, Shanghai World Financial Center, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Global Commerce Plaza, Shangri-La, Bangkok Hotel, Kempinski Hotel Portoro?, Hyatt Regency Paris Madeleine, Kempinski Hotel Calvinus Budapest 6. Installation instructions for imported high pressure relief valve for water: 1. Before installing the high-pressure gas pressure reducing valve, the pipeline system must be flushed and cleaned to prevent the dirt, such as welding slag and oxide scale, from flowing into the valve, which affects the normal operation of the valve. 2. The high pressure gas pressure reducing valve should be installed in a place convenient for operation and maintenance, and must be installed upright on the horizontal pipeline (see installation diagram). Note that the flow direction of the medium in the pipeline is consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow on the valve body. Do not pretend 3. When installing and using the high-pressure gas pressure reducing valve, first open the shut-off valve on the bypass line to eliminate the condensed water and steam-water mixture in the pipeline to prevent water hammer from being damaged when the pressure-reducing valve is opened. When there is no abnormality, slowly rotate the adjusting screw clockwise to adjust the outlet pressure to the required pressure (according to the valve back pressure). After adjusting, lock the lock nut and screw the protective cover. . 4. A filter should be installed before the pressure reducing valve to prevent impurities in the medium from entering the pressure reducing valve and affecting its performance. 5. There should be a straight pipe before and after the installed pressure reducing valve. The length of the straight pipe before the valve is about 600 mm, and the length of the straight pipe behind the valve is about 1000 mm. The company's products can be customized according to customer specifications/model/pressureemperature/material |