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VGB-1產品概述:VGB-1是一款尺寸較小的不銹鋼手套箱,其腔體尺寸22'x 17' x 16" mm,手套箱上帶有前級室,機械壓力表和真空法蘭,所以此手套內可以創造真空或低水低氧的潔凈環境,此設備對于一些對空氣特別敏感實驗是一個理想的選擇.
簡易結構圖 | 外部輪廓圖剖面圖剖面圖
真空表和閥 | 手套箱主體 前級室
真空泵和波紋管 | 儀器標配中不包括真空泵和波紋管(可以在本公司訂購) |
腔體內部壓力 | 真空度:
腔體漏氣率 | < 6 torr/hour |
電源 | 三芯插頭(電源輸入) 三芯電源線 插線板
手套 | 手套箱包含有兩幅6'' 的橡膠手套(一副手套已經安裝在手套箱上) (點擊圖片查看詳細資料) |
運輸尺寸 | 45x45x37" |
運輸重量 | 210 lbs |
質保期 | 一年質保,終身維護 |
質量認證 | CE certified |
Optional : | Optional : You may choose humidity and oxygen analyzer below at extra cost to monitor gas humidity and oxygen content inside globe box |
| Low cost Digital Humidity & Temperature MonitorPrecision humidity analyzer Trace Oxygen Analyzer (0.01 -3000PPM ) with KF40 Connector |
The circulating gas drying system includes: Two Laboraty Gas Drying Units (click to review)One Oilless Vacuum Pump (click to review)Two vacuum rubber pipes Four pipe clamps |
| Please call or us to get price and lead time for multi-pins feed through on the glove box if you need to measure the sample inside the chamber, MTI's technician can provide a solution with no impact on sealing (leaking rate less than 6torr/hour) in an affordable price , click the picture below to see our perfect customization: 16 pins electrical feed through outside the glove box(4 pins per one feed through)16 pins electrical feed through inside the glove box(4 pins per one feed through) |
可選: Optional : You may choose humidity and oxygen analyzer below at extra cost to monitor gas humidity and oxygen content inside globe box |
| Low cost Digital Humidity & Temperature MonitorPrecision humidity analyzer Trace Oxygen Analyzer (0.01 -3000PPM ) with KF40 Connector |
The circulating gas drying system includes: Two Laboraty Gas Drying Units (click to review)One Oilless Vacuum Pump (click to review)Two vacuum rubber pipes Four pipe clamps |
| Please call or us to get price and lead time for multi-pins feed through on the glove box if you need to measure the sample inside the chamber, MTI's technician can provide a solution with no impact on sealing (leaking rate less than 6torr/hour) in an affordable price , click the picture below to see our perfect customization: 16 pins electrical feed through outside the glove box(4 pins per one feed through)16 pins electrical feed through inside the glove box(4 pins per one feed through) |
可選: |