Manual microscopic cell counting in a Fuchs-Rosenthal (FR) chamber has been the gold standard for quantification of leukocytes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). An excellent correlation between cell counts obtained with the C-Chip chamber and FR chamber was observed. (“Determination of leukocyte counts in cerebrospinal fluid with a disposable plastic hemocytometer” Link to )
C-Chip DHC-F01 eliminates the risk of exposure to potentially infectious materials and the risk of improper fitting of the chamber and the cover slip, which improves the precision and repeatability.
Applications : Cell counts in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), rare cells
Outer Size
Width 25mm x Length 75mm x Thickness 1.6mm
Chamber Depth
0.2 mm
Chamber Volume
20 µl
The full grid on a hemocytometer contains 16 squares, each of which is 1 mm square. A dense suspension of small cells is 1/4 sq. mm.
Each large square has a surface area of 1.0mm2, and the depth of the chamber is 0.2mm. As there are 1000 mm3 per ml, each large square represents a volume of 0.0002ml, so that it is equal to 1/ 0.0002ml = 5,000. The volume factor is 5,000.
Cells per ml = Average count per square x dilution factor x 5,000