“佑僑"模組式吸干機為伊普思公司推出的又一自主研發新型吸附式干燥機.,該產品采用鋁合金箱體式結構,突破了傳統雙塔式外型設計,整體設備的外形美觀大方,防氧防腐處理,結構件耐用,避免 碳鋼管道生銹給氣體帶來的二次污染。 吸附腔的多管道設計,使機身變得更緊痿合理,體積更小更輕,科學的流體分配設計,減緩了氣體在吸附腔內的流速,提高了吸附劑與壓縮空氣的接觸時問和面積,使吸附劑充分吸附壓縮空氣中的水份,讓壓縮空氣更潔凈。露點更穩定。 |
| The YOUQIAO modular adsorption dryer is a new type of adsorptiondryer by EPSEA compary independent research and development. thisproduct adopt aluminum alloy box structure , broke through the tradition-al dauble tawer design, with the features of elegant appearance,Anti-axi-dation corrosion resistance and structure parts durable, avoid the carbonsteel pipeline rust to bring secondary pollution for gases. the design of adsorption cavity with multiple pipeline, make the bodymore cormpaci and reasonable and the volume srraller and lighter. Scientif-ic fluid distribution design slows down the air flow rate in the adsorptionchamber,improved the contact time and area for the acsorbent andcompressed 'air, make the adsarbent full adsorption the moisture incompressed air,let the compressed air cleaner,the dew point morestability.
1、更純凈的壓縮空氣——低露點 模組吸干機整體使用鋁合金材質、不銹鋼螺栓,杜絕碳鋼材料在壓縮空氣接觸中存在的銹鐵導致的二次污染問題。高利用率的機器整體設計,讓每一顆干燥劑都得到充分利用,保證了持續而穩定的壓力露點,使壓縮空氣更加純潔,為用戶解決生產中空氣品質問題的煩惱。
| 1. More clean compressed air—..Low clew point Modular adsorption dryer generally use aluminun allay and stainlesssteel bolts. It helps perfectly to avoid secondary pollution of carbon steelrust in contact with compressed air. The high utilization of the machinedesign allows every desiccant ,in full use and ensure the equipment inconsitant and stable pressure dew point. We make cormpressed air moreclean to solve customers' worry about gas quality problem in production. |
2、更低成本的壓縮空氣——低氣耗 模組吸干機改變了傳統的機器結構,化整為零,讓體積變得更緊湊,每組模組都有單獨的擴散功能。新型吸附劑結合自主研發的智能控制器能的減少再生氣的消耗。達到更節能的效果,為用戶大大的降低使用成本。
| 2.Lower cost compressed air—Low gas consumption Modular adsorptior dryer adopts a new structure diflerently fromtradition.It divides the whole into parts to make the machine morecompact and every modular has separated diffusion function.New typeadsorbent combined with independently developed srmart controllerWillreduce regenerative gas constmption to reach a better energy savingeffect, greatlly cutting down the use cost of customers. |
3、持續穩定的壓縮空氣——長壽命 國際品牌的氣動元器件為保障,更科學的結構與密封設計,標準的統一的結構件,防氧防度處理,可使用30年。伊普思人質量為根本的生產理念,為用廣提供更持續穩定的壓縮空氣. |
| 3.Constant and stable compressed air——Long service life we use pneumatic components ol global reputed brands as a guaran-tee. More scientific structure and sealing design,standard constructionparts in uniform as well as anti-cxidation and anti-corrosion treatment arejointly contribute to its 30-year service,EPSEA people stick to quality-basedproduction idea to provide customers more lasting and stable compressedair.
| Modular adsorption dryer consist of multiple high strength aluminumcavity cach cavity has two Chambers which filled with adsorbent to makethe wet compressed air achieve dry after passing. When one cavityworking. another corresponding cavity will use the regeneration way ofvariable pressure adsorption to achieve regenerate.When regenerating.apart of dry compresscd air from work pressure expansion to atrmosphericpressure, then go through the water-saturation adsorbent, and take awaythe moisture,make the absorbent regeneration. If equipped with theYOUQLAO scrics of refrigcrated drycr,cyclone separator and precision filterwill strengthen the running performance and reliability. |