北京東方佳氣科技有限公司是專業從事光電子產品的研究與開發、技術咨詢與引進,生產和銷售的高科技公司。它與許多國外高科技光電公司具有長期的合作,并能提供從紫外到遠紅外整個波段的成像系統、無人機載高光譜成像系統、便攜式傅里葉熱紅外光譜儀、全波段地物光譜儀、手持式地物光譜儀、高光譜成像光譜儀、機載高光譜成像儀、地物波譜儀、傅里葉熱紅外光譜輻射計、黑體源、襯底和外延等光電材料和其它各種光電子產品。同時北京東方佳氣科技有限公司也是日本橫河(YOKOGAWA)、日本住友公司的特級代理。為廣大客戶提供各類傳輸、數據等光通信測試類儀器儀表。業務覆蓋北京、上海、廣州、深圳、天津、西安、成都、南京等地。 我們的用戶范圍已經覆蓋各高校、所屬各研究所、各研究所、航空工業總公司各研究所、光電產業等不同領域。我們不僅為用戶提供國外原廠生產的各類標準產品,而且我們非常愿意根據用戶的具體要求,提供完整的系統解決方案,包括集成、設計等。 北京東方佳氣公司擁有一批具備豐富專業知識的技術和銷售人員,能夠按照廣大用戶的不同應用要求,提供準確、*的各種儀器。我們的目的就是為中國光電市場提供的產品和服務。 Scistar Electronics Co., Ltd. is a specialist distributor of electro-optical instruments systems and components. It provides a wide range of products that cover wavelengths from the UV to the Far IR, including semiconductor materials, detectors & sensors, LED & laser sources, visible & IR imaging systems, and electro-optical instruments systems. Scistar has established a good business relationship in many aspects with foreign high-tech optoelectronic companies. A highly qualified team provides high-end systems from initial to final point and the best service to the customers. As a specialist distributor Scistar is constantly looking at ways of better serving its customers and is proud of its product support and after sales service. Our Mission is to provide first class products and support services to the electro-optics market in the China.