全關時手輪按順時針方向旋轉; 可以安裝在管道的任何位置上,介質從下往上流; 不銹鋼截止閥適用于各類腐蝕性介質的管道上,有良好的防腐性和足夠的強度; 合金鋼截止閥適用于耐高溫的蒸汽、油品管道上,具有耐高溫特點。 When fully closed,the handwheel rotates clockwise. Able to be mounted on any position of the pipeline,the medium flows from down to up. Stainless steel made stop valve is of good anti-corrosive property and enough strength and suitable for various pipelines with corrosive medium. Alloy steel made stop valve features high-temperature resistance,suitable for high-temperature steam and oil goods pipelines. 主要尺寸及重量: Main dimensions and weight: