壹、不受大氣降水影響/Not be affected by atmospheric precipitation;
貳、周圍環境溫度-60攝氏度起/The ambient temperature is -60°C;
叁、從貯藏罐外裝置/Being Installed on the outside of tank;
肆、物位計內天線由氟塑料透鏡加熱保護/The antenna inside of the level transmitter is protected by fluoroplastic lens heating;
伍、測量射線窄,便于安裝,測量穩定/The measuring radiation is narrow, easy to install and measurement sensibility;
陸、物位測量準確度,不受容器內溫度限制/The accuracy of the level measurement can't be limited by the temperature of tank;
柒、蒸發作用和灰塵不會影響測量/Evaporation and dust will not affect the measurement;
捌、沸騰液體物位測量/Boiling liquid level measurement;
玖、腐蝕性液體物位測量,無接觸、無腐蝕--穩定測量/Corrosive liquid level measurement, non-contact, non-corrosion, stable measurement;
拾、泡沫、強粉塵液體物位測量/Foam, strong dust level measurement;
透鏡天線雷達液位計/120GHz調頻連續波雷達物位計/120GHz FMCW Radar/DCRD1000B