廣東科力達儀器有限公司(以下簡稱科力達),2004年成立于廣州,是一家集研發、制造、銷售和技術服務為一體的專業測繪儀器供應商。自品牌誕生以來,科力達一直以“創造測繪價值"為目標,深耕測繪地理信息行業,產品線軟硬件雙向擴展,囊括移動測量系統、無人船、無人機、GNSS、智能北斗打樁系統、全站儀、經緯儀、水準儀、手持激光測距儀、掃平儀、測深儀、反射棱鏡等全系測繪產品,以及Kmap空地一體化數據處理平臺、工程測量教學平臺等軟件產品,同時科力達研精畢智,可根據用戶不同的項目和工程精度需求,專業定制高性價比的產品解決方案。 科力達潛心中國智造,領引技術發展前沿,自主研發無人機航測軟硬件產品、移動測量、三維激光掃描等新科技產品的核心技術,持續創新慣導技術、多層屏蔽技術、傾斜測量、編碼、雙軸補償、免棱鏡測距、Windows全站儀、數字水準測量等國際主流測繪儀器生產高精技術,為用戶提供品質至上的地理信息產品、技術與解決方案。成立時間2004 年公司地址中國.廣東.廣州科力達位于北京、武漢、常州與廣州的五大研發生產基地,是國內行業較大的產業集群,擁有*水平的生產設備,嚴控品質和管理流程?,F公司已通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證、ISO14001環境管理體系認證、OHSAS18001職業健康安全管理體系認證,強勢保證自主研發與生產能力,持續為廣大戶提供高性價比的測繪儀器。 心懷感恩,回哺教育,科力達鼎力支持測繪教育,連續多年總冠名并贊助全國高職院校大學生測繪技能大賽、全國測繪地理信息職業院校青年教師教學能力大賽、各省級測量技能大賽,向多所高校捐贈CORS基站等測繪儀器,同時研發工程測量教學平臺創新教與學的方式,為師生提供“即時可學、隨處可學"的虛擬學習環境:理論到實踐、理解到強化、模仿到自主、知識面由小到大的實訓學習過程??屏_將與各高校攜手共筑測繪未來,為測繪教育貢獻力量。 前瞻猛行,創造測繪價值,擁抱大地理信息時代?,F科力達合作伙伴達400余家,各地物流中心和維修中心超過40家,銷售以及服務網點覆蓋全國、輻射,產品遠銷世界50多個國家??屏_將繼續秉承使命,為廣大用戶提供高性價比測繪儀器,實時響應并解決用戶難題,做中國優秀的測繪儀器供應商。Guangdong Kolida instrument CO,.LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Kolida), established in guangzhou in 2004. Nowadays has developed into a professional instrument supplier which has been a collection of research, manufacturing, sales and technical services for surveying and mapping Kolida has been insisting to "Chinese the most excellent supplier" surveying and mapping instruments, based on "create value of surveying and mapping" as their goal. Kolida has continued to provide cost-effective surveying and mapping instruments for the majority of users. Now has owned five research and development manufacturing bases which are located in Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Changzhou. Meanwhile the production base has the international advanced level of production equipment, perfect management process regarded as the largest industrial cluster in China. Kolida’s main products are drones, intelligent measuring ship, GNSS, total station, theodolite, level, hand-held laser range finder, laser swinger, depth finder, Mapping System and so on. For a long time, Kolida put effort into surveying and mapping industry, which is the few domestic company skilled at measurement multi-layer shielding technology, tilt measurement, absolute coding, biaxial compensation, avoid prism rangefinder, Windows application of total station and Beidou high-precision ,ect . Which are the largest mainstream of high precision production skill for surveying and mapping in the world. Now Kolida has more than 400 partners and 40 logistics center and service centers around the world, global sales and service network covering the whole country and radiation, products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions . Kolida shoulders the social responsibility positively, total named and sponsored the China Skills competition of higher vocational group for surveying and mapping for many years, which makes contributions to surveying and mapping education in the future.